So, what have you got to say for yourself? Post your comments, reminisces, or just say “hi” to someone you used to know!

Please enjoy the Bulletin Board -- have fun, take that walk down memory lane, get reacquainted and don't say anything about anybody you wouldn't want said about yourself (in public, anyway). Before you send anything, please review it to see whether it is respectful and responsible. The views on the Bulletin Board are those of the person who posted it and not the alumni of Edison or Edison High School as a whole, so we do not allow anonymous postings.

And remember, please, keep it clean!

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Date Email From Who (click name) Bulletin

Ken Kerr First, let me apologize to the entire reunion committee for being late with my enrollment. After all of the hard work you have done you'd think alumni like me could make a reservation by the deadline. Check's in the mail.

Also, let me join the many, many people who've offered well deserved praise for this web site. The attention to detail and all of the functionality aimed at making it easy to stay in touch is really quite an accomplishment.

I want to thank John Miller for his many, many email reminders on "behalf of the reunion committee." Particularly the last one reminding me to "get off the dime" and sign up for the reunion, which was the most gentle scolding I've every received.

I am very excited to see so many of my old friends already enrolled for the event, and hopeful there are more to come. It is great to get updates, too, from those who won't be able to attend, and to learn how their life's been.

There's way too many miles on this mind to be able to remember too much about high school, but a few things do stand out. The occasional concerts in the bowl, the cheeseburgers (what gave them that special taste?) and those hair nets the cafeteria staff had to wear. The excitement of the football games and the huge crowds at Orange Coast College stadium (especially the rivalry with the Fountain Valley Barons). Those silly half-time shows we drama students had to do, and the lunch-time presentations in the cafeteria we had to do for our speech classes.

I remember the rumors of having paid "narcs" on campus, adult officers posing as teenagers. And when a group of students took over the administration building using plastic toy guns. Second-hand army jackets were fashionable, as was using the American flag to stitch holes in your pants and wearing black arm bands to protest just about everything, from the war to equal rights to Hipanic rights to women's rights.

A lot of teachers stand out: Coach Asaro (who scared the living s**t out of me), Sir Oliver Smith (speech teacher... remember the goatee? And who gets away with being named "sir" anyway?), Chuck Staneart (it wasn't until decades later I finally figured out why we were always doing those period pieces in drama where the guys had to wear tights... silly me), Herr Kuno (what a card), and Mrs. Carpenter, of course (the rumors are NOT true no matter what Colleen (Costello) Pena, Mike Johnson, Johnna LeDoux and JD Elmquist say).

John... I don't mean to embarass you after all these years, and especially all the hard work you and Glen have done.. but don't I remember you can Glen deciding to protest "conventional thought and social mores" by wearing your pants and shirt inside out for a year? Or am I mistaken?

Finally, on a more somber note, I would like to thank those of you who sent your condolences for the death of my sister, Kathy, in a car accident on Friday, September 13, 2002. It still doesn't seem real that she is no longer with us. You would be proud to know that after graduating from Edison and kicking around for a few years, she returned to school, first at Orange Coast then to Chico State, where she graduated top of her class with honors in Social Science. She moved to Markleeville, CA where as a Social Worker and was soon promoted to the head of Social Services for the County. She was responsible for many wonderful improvements in County services, particularly in child foster care, health care for the indigent, etc. She raised funds through various grants to have a modern new facility built there, which was dedicated in her name by the County after her death in honor of her contributions. Her memorial was attended by hundreds of former foster children, social services staff from around the state, government dignitaries, members of the Indian tribes she worked with, and many police officers and members of the fire department with whom she worked providing disaster aid. She was alone most of her life, but in the last year became reacquainted with a high school sweetheart from and struck up a wonderful romance that ended tragically with her death.

Thanks for the opportunity to share old memories. I'm looking forward to creating some new ones at the reunion.

Ken Kerr Glen and John: apologies for the case of mistaken identity in my earlier posting. Now I'm wondering if it was me who wore my clothes inside out for a year. There's just no remembering after all this time.

John... I, for one, never considered you eccentric. Iconoclastic, creative, passionate, intelligent... all these things, and a great friend and fun guy to boot. But never eccentric. Sorry if I led you to think otherwise.

Ken Kerr Steven Scott, what a remarkable posting. Thank you for sharing that wonderful story, and congratulations on your upcoming anniversary and incredible professional success. I wanted to thank you, too, for mentioning Diane Poundstone. I hadn't thought of her in years.

Mark Shaw and I used to be good drinking buddies when I was at UCLA from 75-79. He and I would meet once a week at Molly Malone's on Fairfax in LA. You should have seen him singing along with the band after a few pints of Guinness and a few shots of Bushmills. It was remarkable! My girlfriend at the time (now my wife) would have him over to the apartment for dinner. They absolutely loved each other. He brought us his Irish Music and Country Western collection. Then, one day, in '78 he literally fell off the map, and I never saw him again. He had been complaining of girl problems, and I heard a rumor he had committed suicide. I tried to find him but didn't have any luck. I hope the rumor was an ugly lie. He was a great friend and a great guy. Hopefully, some of the other alumni can provide Shaw "sightings" later than '79 and put the lie to the rumor. (It was also be great if he would just show up, post a bulletin or add himself to Classmates… Mark are you listening?)

One of my funniest memories was of him and some of the other male leads in "The Lark," in my Sophomore year at Edison. The costume required us all to wear tights. It was my first role ever in a play, and I found it somewhat embarrassing as all the men tried to squeeze into our tights. After succeeding, Mark looked around at us all with a lascivious leer and said in his booming voice: "Gentlemen, I've never seen such luscious loins!" We were all on the floor laughing.

Johnna, thank you. I will convey your thoughts to my parents. Mom and dad will love hearing from you, and I'm looking forward so much to seeing you again Saturday.

Finally, John, thanks for trying to arrange for Mrs. Carpenter to attend. Do you think the odds are she will definitely be at the park on Sunday? Is it too late to sign up?

Thanks to everyone who's posted… this bulletin board has been a God send. Kudos to you, Glenn, and to the entire reunion committee. See you all very soon.

Ken Kerr Hi All:

This is Ken Kerr. Some of you may have read recently of the passing of Sandy West, drummer for all-female 70's rock band The Runaways. (The L.A. Times obituary said her "ferocious drumming fueled the influential band." Before The Runaways she was known as Sandy Pesavanto and grew up in Huntington Beach. I remember her as part of a garage band I "managed", with Bill Barker, Loris Tomkin and Mike Bergevin (please excuse any misspellings, it's been a while.) If any of you remember her, there is a message board at The Runaways official web site where Laurie Boyce is looking for emails and memories. You can find the site at:

In other news, I got a surprise call last weekend from another alumnus, Guy Leonard. He is alive and well in Kenai, Alaska. He says he's lost one leg, one eye, and had to cut out the hard alcohol and limit his boozing to red wine, but otherwise he's doing fine. I was pleased to attend a 100 Years birthday party for Mike Johnsen and his wife, who both turned 50 this year. Great time, Mike, at least what I can remember of it. We were joined by an older alum, John Larsen and Class of '74 J.D. Elmquist and his wife. I suffered through my 50th (quietly) and became a grandfather in September. Rumor has it J.D. is turning 50 soon, too. Who'd have thought we'd make it this long?

John, you're amazing. Whitney? Can't wait to hear about it. You too, Glenn: are you still managing the site and the Bulletin Board? It really is remarkable.

Thanks again to the committee for a great reunion.

We could do what other sites do and make this as long and painful to read as possible, get a bunch of lawyers involved and find the most obscure English words possible, but why?

It all comes down to: the only ones who see all of your info are the committee members. And we’re only trying to get you to come party with us. We promise not to sell your home address, your email address, your name or likeness to ANYONE.

Now renting you out for nefarious purposes…. Well, we haven’t gotten any offers yet, but we’ll hold our options open for now. Check back later.

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