So, what have you got to say for yourself? Post your comments, reminisces, or just say “hi” to someone you used to know!

Please enjoy the Bulletin Board -- have fun, take that walk down memory lane, get reacquainted and don't say anything about anybody you wouldn't want said about yourself (in public, anyway). Before you send anything, please review it to see whether it is respectful and responsible. The views on the Bulletin Board are those of the person who posted it and not the alumni of Edison or Edison High School as a whole, so we do not allow anonymous postings.

And remember, please, keep it clean!

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Date Email From Who (click name) Bulletin

E. Calvin Beisner Mike Miller contacted me after seeing my name and picture on the website and doing a Google search. Thanks, Mike, for telling me about the reunion website. Well, my goodness, it has been a long time, hasn't it? Aren't you glad we're not teenagers forever?! It was nostalgic running back through all the yearbook pix and seeing faces and names I knew. Wish I could be at the reunion, but wife, seven kids (19 to 8), 81-year-old mother living with us, and 85-year-old Alzheimer's-stricken father-in-law living with us pretty well preclude much travel. It'd be fun to hear from more of you.

In Christ,

(E. Calvin Beisner, Edison Class of 1974, now associate professor of historical theology and social ethics at Knox Theological Seminary, Fort Lauderdale, Florida)

We could do what other sites do and make this as long and painful to read as possible, get a bunch of lawyers involved and find the most obscure English words possible, but why?

It all comes down to: the only ones who see all of your info are the committee members. And we’re only trying to get you to come party with us. We promise not to sell your home address, your email address, your name or likeness to ANYONE.

Now renting you out for nefarious purposes…. Well, we haven’t gotten any offers yet, but we’ll hold our options open for now. Check back later.

Email Message:
Guard your anonymity All correspondence takes place through our double-blind system, ensuring your email address is protected until you decide to reveal it. We CAN NOT guarantee the email address we are sending this message to is who they say they are. Never include your email address, home address, phone number, place of work or any other identifying information in your initial messages unless you know based on what they say on the Bulletin Board they are who they say they are.

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