So, what have you got to say for yourself? Post your comments, reminisces, or just say “hi” to someone you used to know!

Please enjoy the Bulletin Board -- have fun, take that walk down memory lane, get reacquainted and don't say anything about anybody you wouldn't want said about yourself (in public, anyway). Before you send anything, please review it to see whether it is respectful and responsible. The views on the Bulletin Board are those of the person who posted it and not the alumni of Edison or Edison High School as a whole, so we do not allow anonymous postings.

And remember, please, keep it clean!

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Click on the page numbers below to see additional bulletins.
Date Email From Who (click name) Bulletin
7/19/2004 Mary Stanford Hello to Everyone,

I too, would like to thank the committee for all of your efforts. It’s good to hear that they have paid off.

I regret that I was not able to attend the festivities, but due to some recent set-backs, the toughest being the loss of my dad, I just wasn’t able to pull myself together. Please know that I was there in spirit and my best buddy Tammy has been filling me in on all of the highlights. Thanks to those who asked about me.

*Hugs* to you Wendy Kroll.

Ken Lee, we have some catching up to do. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Bill. I’ll e-mail soon.

Bob Gundry, I hear you are totally gorgeous! Can’t wait to see the pics,. My taste in men was much better in my younger years! *wink*

John Upp, I hear you are just as crazy as ever. That’s what I have always loved about you. I have some great memories of you defying authority. I think there is a bus driver out there somewhere who is still in therapy. Don’t ever change.

Julie Hinkle, my hat is off to you. I always thought you were a kind and sweet person and now I know it’s true. What an amazing heart you must have.

Jill Johnston, I’m sure Tammy is mistaken. YOU were #1! J

Johnna LeDoux, I agree with you. It would be nice to have a “place” where we could honor our fellow classmates that are no longer with us. You are right, they will always be a part of us and it would be wonderful if people could share their memories.

Scott Wojahn, Where’s MY backrub?

Billy Rutherford, I didn’t know you had become a nurse…. You’re giving shots now??

To All, I hope we don’t wait ten years to reunite again.

Smiles and Hugs.
11/18/2004 Mary Stanford I am looking for a roommate to share a 3 bedroom 21/2 bath townhouse in H.B. on good ole Alabama Street. The rent is $850.00 per month plus ½ the utilities. This includes 2 of the bedrooms and a full bath plus full kitchen/dinning room privileges. The rooms have cable tv/internet and there is a laundry facility. I have two great dogs that live with me. Smoking /drinking are o.k. but NO drugs/parties. It will be available sometime in January. My son is leaving the nest to get married. If you know of anyone that would be interested please post a message or e-mail me by clicking on the envelope to the left. Thanks so much.

We could do what other sites do and make this as long and painful to read as possible, get a bunch of lawyers involved and find the most obscure English words possible, but why?

It all comes down to: the only ones who see all of your info are the committee members. And we’re only trying to get you to come party with us. We promise not to sell your home address, your email address, your name or likeness to ANYONE.

Now renting you out for nefarious purposes…. Well, we haven’t gotten any offers yet, but we’ll hold our options open for now. Check back later.

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