So, what have you got to say for yourself? Post your comments, reminisces, or just say “hi” to someone you used to know!

Please enjoy the Bulletin Board -- have fun, take that walk down memory lane, get reacquainted and don't say anything about anybody you wouldn't want said about yourself (in public, anyway). Before you send anything, please review it to see whether it is respectful and responsible. The views on the Bulletin Board are those of the person who posted it and not the alumni of Edison or Edison High School as a whole, so we do not allow anonymous postings.

And remember, please, keep it clean!

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Date Email From Who (click name) Bulletin

Tom Trapani I, too, want to thank the Reunion Committee, and especially John and Aurora, for a wonderful event. I will cherish the experience for a long time.

Tom Trapani I am glad the election was raised because it is important to us, our children and our grandchildren for the entire Class of 1974 to vote responsibly. To do so, we cannot focus on any single set of issues. Rather, we need to think about all of the complicated issues in total. Unlike many past elections, there are deep-rooted differences between the parties. Therefore, the concept of a cultural war is probably more accurate than we would like to think. Many will remember me as one of the most conservative members of our class and I, like most of the rest of the class, have tried to live out the American Dream. However, I cannot support the folks who populate the current administration and its party. Regardless of the issue involved, I cannot vote for a political party that would rather amend our Constitution than eradicate obvious discrimination. I cannot vote for politicians who would rather squelch the free expression of ideas (through exorbitant FCC fines and the encouragement of monopolies) than respect contrary points of view. I cannot tolerate government officials who distort facts rather than admit terrible blunders.

I cannot accept a government which is willing to disenfranchise so many in the name of liberty for so few. I cannot support a President who gives the profits of monopolistic companies precedence over individual rights and freedoms and who does not understand the need for separation between Church and state. And I cannot vote for a party whose policies and ideologies hurt more of our fellow citizens than they help.

So, although many of those harmed by this administration do not necessarily share the socioeconomic profile of my graduating class, their pain is my pain and I will vote accordingly.

Tom Trapani Thank you to everyone for posting the pictures. It brings back memories of a wonderful reunion. I appreciate the effort that has gone into painstakingly identifying all the people in the pictures. I notice how often Brad Bass and Sue Jean Bass and Kathy and I are together in the pictures. I guess it is not surprising. Brad and I were each other's "best man" at our weddings which were two weeks apart twenty-five years ago. How time flies!

Tom Trapani Thanks to John for the comments and the recollection. It has been ages since I have thought about that 7th grade experience. I appreciate the reminder. It is amazing how the things that interested me in 7th grade are still of interest to me over 30 years later. Although I have never served, I still have a strong interest in politics and I still hope that repression and bigotry leads to the type of revolt that you remember from that classroom. No one should ever be singled out for aribitrary distinction and ostracized for their differences. To the contrary, we should praise the diversity. In any event, glad to see that the Bulletin Board is still active and sorry to hear about life's sadness which has enveloped the lives of too many of our classmates. My very best to Karen and Mark Silady and to Susan Friesen and her wonderful family.

Tom Trapani

We could do what other sites do and make this as long and painful to read as possible, get a bunch of lawyers involved and find the most obscure English words possible, but why?

It all comes down to: the only ones who see all of your info are the committee members. And we’re only trying to get you to come party with us. We promise not to sell your home address, your email address, your name or likeness to ANYONE.

Now renting you out for nefarious purposes…. Well, we haven’t gotten any offers yet, but we’ll hold our options open for now. Check back later.

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