So, what have you got to say for yourself? Post your comments, reminisces, or just say “hi” to someone you used to know!

Please enjoy the Bulletin Board -- have fun, take that walk down memory lane, get reacquainted and don't say anything about anybody you wouldn't want said about yourself (in public, anyway). Before you send anything, please review it to see whether it is respectful and responsible. The views on the Bulletin Board are those of the person who posted it and not the alumni of Edison or Edison High School as a whole, so we do not allow anonymous postings.

And remember, please, keep it clean!

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Date Email From Who (click name) Bulletin

Francine (Richmond) Jackson Hello from Everett, WA. I'm really looking forward to my vacation and spending it with all of you! Thank you John and everyone else who has been working so hard to bring this together. You've all done an awesome job.

Francine (Richmond) Jackson Hi to everyone. This is Francine (Richmond) Jackson. Not sure very many people remember me, but looking at the yearbook photos online (my books were lost in a move) I remember so many of you. I have 3 children: boy 19, girl 14, boy 11. Been living up here in Wa for about the last 7 years, and my kids want to move back to HB. Miss the beach, the weather and the downtown area the most. I'm looking forward to the reunion, and hopefully meeting up with some old friends. Missed the 20th, but if I have to hitchhike my way down there, I will be there. I am so in need of a little R&R that this is like the perfect time. See you all in July.

Francine (Richmond) Jackson I know where Mr. Stupin is (for those you who so dearly loved him). If you'd like, I could ask my sister to get in contact with him, as he lives right across the street from her! See you all the 17th!

Francine (Richmond) Jackson Francine (Richmond) Jackson

I want to Thank all those involved in bringing this wonderful event together. You all did an awesome job. I had more fun at the 30 than at the 10. I really felt like I had come home...and I wasn't ready to leave Monday. I have to thank my daughter for putting my info out there on classmates, she was the main reason for me knowing about this, and I'm soooo glad that I took the time to come down. I had a wonderful time! Thank You all again.

To Vito and his family: Thank You for opening up your home to me for this stay. I think that I had more fun staying with friends than staying by myself in some hotel. You are the best!

To John Upp: Thank You for keeping my up until the wee hours of the morning talking. I haven't had the much fun in like forever! By the way hope you had a wonderful Birthday. :)

Finally; it was so nice to see everyone have so much fun. I'm glad this was able to come about. Hope to see you at the 40!

Francine (Richmond) Jackson Well it has been awhile since I've written, but I just wanted to say HI and hope that everyone has been enjoying the Holidays and wishing everyone a wonderful New Year. With this New Year I hope that we all will see great changes. Departing from Iraq would be the tops on my list. I'm sure the Bette would love to have Travis home, safely!

I have grand changes for my New Year, and think that it will be one of the best I've had in a long time. My divorce should be final in a couple of months, hopefully my house will be sold before then and then by the end of the school year we leave WA state. Nice place, just can't take the cold anymore and would love to be closer to the rest of my family. Therefore I shall be moving south...where to not sure yet.

So to all Happy New Year! and hope to see some of you soon. Francine

Francine (Richmond) Jackson Happy Holidays!
James Hatfield...I'll be 49 in 9 days so I'm younger than you ;-) , and Colleed Keenan, I remember you!

We could do what other sites do and make this as long and painful to read as possible, get a bunch of lawyers involved and find the most obscure English words possible, but why?

It all comes down to: the only ones who see all of your info are the committee members. And we’re only trying to get you to come party with us. We promise not to sell your home address, your email address, your name or likeness to ANYONE.

Now renting you out for nefarious purposes…. Well, we haven’t gotten any offers yet, but we’ll hold our options open for now. Check back later.

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